Destruxin B



CAS Nr.:




Chemische Beschreibung:



593,76 g/mol

Destruxin B is described as a cyclodepsipeptide originating from the entomopathogenic fungus Metarhyzium anisopliae. Destruxin B induces apoptosis via a Bcl-2 Family-dependent mitochondrial pathway in human nonsmall cell lung cancer cells. Destruxin B significantly activates caspase-3 and reduces tumor cell proliferation through caspase-mediated Apoptosis, not only in vitro but also in vivo. In addition, each destruxin was found to produce antiproliferative effects in colon cancer cells and to inhibit the migration and tube formation of human endothelial cells. Although the inhibition of vacuolar-type ATPase by destruxin B has been found to be weaker than bafilomycin A1, inhibition by destruxin B was found to be readily reversible, which makes it more useful as a probe of V-ATPase function. In human colorectal cancer cells destruxin B treatment resulted in suppressed proliferation and induced cell cycle arrest. Administration of destruxin B to human non-Hodgkin lumphoma cells resulted in apoptosis induced by attenuation of the mitochondrial membrane potential. Potential mode of action/Key words: Modulation of the Wnt, Anticancer, Apoptosis inducer

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Destruxin B


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